Check Your Email Reputation Score

Get Started with Your First Test

Step 1 : Insert this code anywhere inside your email

Step 2 : Send your email to these addresses

View Your Report →

Better deliverability means more business.

Find out your spam score and where your emails land

Run an email spam test with the major email providers (Google, Outlook, etc.)

Get insights to improve your deliverability

Our email spam test gives you recommendations to improve your score.

Enjoy better results from your emails

Get higher open rates and improve your overall results such as click, reply and lead rates.

Use our email spam test to find out your real inbox placement.

A proper spam test has to be done by sending an email to a list of inboxes, otherwise it's biased and sub-optimal.

Improve your emails, multiply your open rates and make more sales.

Use our email spam test to iterate and make changes to your email until you reach the best inbox placement.

Monitor your deliverability with automatic spam tests.

Test your emails automatically on a regular basis to track the deliverability of your emails and be notified on Slack or your app using webhooks.